Monday, August 29, 2011

-floridaaaaaa :/

who wants to go to florida? not me! i would rather stay home in good old georgia getting the chance to celebrate my birthday with my friends instead of sitting outside in the hot sun for two hours just to watch a stupid football game!

on a lighter i saw a guy with his pants on backwards, belt and all! not kidding and to top it all off he was walking backwards singing. it was one of those moments where you are getting out of your car and you want to double check that your doors are locked and make sure that person does not see you laughing cause they might chase you and have you running for your dear life! :)

i spent today looking for numerous different scholarships! i am so proud of myself for qualifying for so many different ones! i have to get everything squared off and sent away because the university of georgia, georgia southern university, or kennesaw state university are not looking too cheap right now. i guess as a child we never really realize how expensive things are and how quick our money will run out when we it is actually our own to spend. i am already learning ways to save money, i have been couponing like crazy! every coupon i see i will cut out and put it in my wallet. people kind of look at me sometimes because you can tell that they are not used to seeing a sixteen year old coming in with a  handful of coupons ready to use them and only buying those certain things that she can with the coupon. i think my main reason for couponing is that once i went grocery shopping and i was hungry so i pretty much bought everything that i layed my eyes on, with my mom's credit card...needless to say there was some big trouble when i got home!

i need some type of reminder to remember to write on this thing. i always forget and this is extra credit that i will definitely need! i wish i could find one central topic to focus on but i can't. the only thing that i have to really write about is my life. which is random and actually kind of interesting.

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